Creating an online shop and selling your products is a very profitable business. Your target audience is large as the internet users are all over the world and you can sell your products worldwide.
E-Commerce is electronic commerce, which means commerce via electronic means. Through an e-commerce website, you can do your online transactions of various goods and necessary services.
How it works?
It’s the same process of shopping or getting services from a physical store except for the fact that you do it in front of a screen at the comfort of your home. To buy a dress, you select the item, give your detailed address, and use a payment method like google pay or pay pal. Other methods include paying via credit or debit card. If you like to pay after getting your item in hand, pay directly to the delivery boy in cash. This method is called COD or Cash on Delivery. You can return the item if you are not satisfied so the reverse process happens. The delivery person will collect it and the e-commerce website will refund your money.
Creating an E-Commerce Website
Creating an online shop and selling your products is a very profitable business. Your target audience is large as the internet users are all over the world and you can sell your products worldwide. That is why e-commerce is gaining popularity day by day. You can build your e-commerce website with the help of web developers using E-Commerce platforms.
Types of E-Commerce Websites
There are different types of E-Commerce Websites such as B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, etc. Business to Business (B2B) sites are those who do the electronic transactions of their goods or services between two companies. Business - Consumer websites are the ones where transactions happen between a company and a consumer. Consumer to consumer is the deal between two consumers via a third party. An example is OLX where you sell your second-hand goods to somebody. Consumer to Business (C2B) is the opposite of C2B where consumers sell their products or services to different companies.
Some of the most popular E-Commerce companies are Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc. Legal Requirements for an E-Commerce Website For creating an E-Commerce website, you have to set up some policies on the website such as
• Privacy Policy
• Terms and conditions
• Disclaimers (which are related to your specific product or service
All net savvy people use e-commerce websites to purchase or sell in this digital age. It is an extremely convenient and organized way to buy anything and everything from anywhere in the world with just a click.